Five days before her 1st birthday, Zoe took her very 1st steps. She was so excited she fell down with excitement! Mommy and daddy are so proud of her. Her are some pics that we caught of her in action taking her 1st steps!
I can't believe it has been 4 months since my last post. I am now obsessed with facebook, so all my updates and pictures have been posted there. I keep forgetting that not everyone is on facebook,(MiMi).
I don't even know where to start. So try and follow me as best as you can. Zoe started crawling around 10 1/2 Months. We weren't sure if she was going to walk or crawl first, because she didn't seem to have to much interest in crawling, but she liked standing a lot. Finally, she started crawling and she has been on the move ever since.
We celebrated her 1st Birthday on March 13th. The next day we had about 50 adults and kids running around our house. Unfortunately it was raining so we could not setup the moonwalk, but it turned out really good! Here are some pics of her 1st Birthday Party.